

Mom playing toy cars with toddler

Attachment in Toddlers – why engagement is so important

Photo Credit: People photo created by shurkin_son – www.freepik.com Toddlers are known to be very busy creatures! Getting them to slow down, look and share attention with you can be a challenge. While it may seem easier to let them occupy themselves and bounce from one activity to another, it is important for learning and …

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Dad holding baby

Attachment in Babies – why it’s important and how to get it right!

There is an inherent need to form an attachment in all of us. Babies tend to form a strong connection with one primary caregiver when they are very young. This bond will form the foundation for all other relationships. When a baby forms a secure bond with their primary caregiver they have a firm foundation …

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Parenting & Child Development Articles JumpLeapFly Blog

Bath time – SCRUB – A – DUB – DUB, How often must I be in the tub?!

For any first time mom, bath time can cause a certain amount of anxiety. The thought of letting that precious baby slip through your fingers is terrifying. While some babies love bath time, others find this sensory rich task somewhat overwhelming and their fussing and crying can make this even more of a daunting task. …

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The sensory side of breastfeeding

The health and bonding benefits of breastfeeding are generally well known, as the overwhelming amount of research confirms this as a “best start” practice for babies. The sensory aspects may be less known, unless you are finding a difficulty in this area is hampering the breastfeeding process. Your baby’s amazing sensory system is very busy …

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The Importance of Sensory Play

Have you ever wondered how playing with your baby or toddler can impact their performance at school in the future? The below diagram of a tree may help you to visualise what is happening with your little one’s development. It is important that, just like a tree, the “root” (or foundation) skills need to be …

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Picnics and Parties and avoiding the meltdown

The weather is starting to change and everyone is trying to fit in some last outdoor fun activities ahead of the cold. We have been doing some reflecting on how to make the most of these times while avoiding the meltdowns that often follow afterwards with little ones. Here are some of our favourite tips: …

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Skype or Facetime with baby – easy tips!

If you find you travel a lot and miss out on some important milestones or just simply communicating with your baby, consider a short Skype or Facetime call – here are some tips: 1.  Mobile is best – less buttons to distract (baby, that is!) 2.  Don’t worry about a conversation – just be there, watching, engaging …

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