Cutting books and scissorsCutting books and scissors

Grade 00-1 Cutting Bundle


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Even if you have tried cutting and it hasn’t worked out, The Happy Handwriter’s Learn to Cut and Cutting Book is the ideal way to introduce basic cutting skills to your child. It is two cutting books to introduce early cutting of lines and circles and more complex internal and external corners. Carefully graded and designed by an occupational therapist, the wild animal theme of the Learn to Cut book is perfect for the preschooler on their way to mastering this skill. Followed by the fun constructions in the Yellow Cutting book, it’s the next graded step in the learning to cut process. Use these books with other ideas detailed in the Learn to Cut book to strengthen the muscles in the hand needed for cutting. Follow the process in Learn to Cut and the Cutting book to set your child onto the path to being an accomplished cutter, which ultimately prepares the hand for pencil grip and pencil control. Mastering cutting is a must, as it is the most effective fine motor preparation skill we have for handwriting. Order today and get started with basic cutting skills to lay the foundations for pencil control for handwriting while having fun along the way!

Additional information

Weight 0.9 kg
Dimensions 37 × 29 × 1 cm
Cutting books and scissors
Grade 00-1 Cutting Bundle