
Toddler biting

Biting – Is it Sensory or is it Behaviour?

Biting – Is it Sensory or is it Behaviour? Biting in toddlers is a common challenge that many parents face. It leads us to question whether biting is sensory or behaviour based? As Occupational Therapists working with sensory toddlers this is something we deal with regularly. So while this can be a very emotionally overwhelming …

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baby eating

Tips to Handle Fussy Eating in Toddlers

As Occupational Therapists we are often chatting to parents about tips to handle fussy eating in toddlers. This seems to be a common challenge for parents with little ones in this age group. Even babies who were open to trying new solids, as toddlers, can become fussy. Part of the problem is that toddlers are …

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Mom and toddler playing with foam

Fine Motor Skills and Messy Play

Fine Motor Skills and Messy Play As Occupational Therapists we are often asked about the link between fine motor skills and “messy play”. If you have been to one of our GAP Groups, or another baby stimulation group, you would have had loads of fun exploring messy play. As a caregiver you know it’s important …

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Mom and toddler playing

Discipline and Boundaries with Strong Willed Toddlers

Discipline and Boundaries with Strong Willed Toddlers  As Occupational Therapists we are often asked to advise on how to manage difficult behaviour in the classroom or at home. One of the most challenging times of development to set boundaries and manage behaviour is with toddlers. Below we offer some tips on how to discipline and …

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Child playing at toy kitchen

How to improve Motor Planning Skills

In our previous blog we chatted about the rise in Motor Planning (Praxis) difficulties we are seeing in our classrooms and therapy practice. If you missed this blog, you can take a quick read here To better understand how to tackle Motor Planning difficulties, we need to first look at its roots. In our …

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Parenting & Child Development Articles JumpLeapFly Blog

Bath time – SCRUB – A – DUB – DUB, How often must I be in the tub?!

For any first time mom, bath time can cause a certain amount of anxiety. The thought of letting that precious baby slip through your fingers is terrifying. While some babies love bath time, others find this sensory rich task somewhat overwhelming and their fussing and crying can make this even more of a daunting task. …

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The sensory side of breastfeeding

The health and bonding benefits of breastfeeding are generally well known, as the overwhelming amount of research confirms this as a “best start” practice for babies. The sensory aspects may be less known, unless you are finding a difficulty in this area is hampering the breastfeeding process. Your baby’s amazing sensory system is very busy …

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Designing a sensory smart nursery for your new baby

If you’re a creative mom with high sensory thresholds (in other words you like things brighter, faster, noisier, smellier and blingy-er) then you have to stop and read this blog – learn from my mistakes! I couldn’t wait to paint bright, child-like murals on my new baby’s nursery walls. I loved shopping for bright, cheerful …

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