You managed to get through these past weeks since school closed. It’s close to the new year starting, yet there are still a few weeks to go till the kiddies go back to school again. Many parents are wondering how they will entertain their little ones.
Never fear, we are here to help inspire with some cost-effective ideas and tips, that will help you keep your sanity over these holidays.
Remember that just as you are feeling tired and overwhelmed from this busy year, your children are also feeling it. Some sensitive little beings may pick up on your tiredness and reflect or mirror that even if they are just babies. It is really important that you remember not to over schedule yourself or your children during this time.
Here’s what you can try to make December/January holidays a blast:
- Plan a pyjama day, where you all stay in PJs all day, building tents and forts, reading books, doing puzzles, singing songs, and maybe watching a movie, if they are old enough
- Alternate planned outings and busy days with quieter time at home
- Use a day to sort out toys and encourage your kids to choose some toys to donate to the less fortunate
- Keep a large box, or container, in your garage, with toys they may have stopped playing with, but which they love too much to part with. In a few months’ time, you can swap these toys for others in their playroom, so that your kids stay interested in these recycled toys
- Choose activities that will help them to process and reflect on the year gone by. You may want to print some photos of key events during the year and make a scrapbook or poster with them
- Make a card for significant people who have helped your child/children reach certain milestones throughout the year (e.g. granny, teacher, nanny, friend, etc.)
- Choose activities to help prepare your little one for the long holiday ahead. You could make a large poster of all the days leading up to the new school term. Draw pictures or stick images on certain days where planned activities will be taking place. This can then be used as a countdown to the new year, and they can colour, cross off the days or simply move a peg or image along the calendar
- Have a day of messy creations, from finger painting to play doe building
- Make a holiday bucket list with your children and try and tick things off as you do them. Check out our blog on A holiday bucket list for kids here
- There are a lot of “free activities” one can schedule. Visit parks that are not near you to give your kids a change in climbing experience. Try a beach which you normally don’t go to. Visit a library and find out about their holiday programme activities. Visit Christmas lights and decorations around your city