*Are you thinking outside the box to inspire your Groovy Adventurers this Spring Holidays?*
I could hardly drag myself, let alone my family out of bed today! The last week of the school term is always difficult! The only thing that lured the girls out from under their covers is that in just a few more sleeps we will be on holiday and sleeping in for a whole glorious week! This September holiday is very short and could come and go in the blink of an eye! So why not spend some time this week choosing a *Spring Holiday Project* or *Theme* for your Groovy Adventurers? I know, I know…you are too tired to even get out of bed and now I am trying to inspire you to be creative! Trust me, I am struggling with the urge to stay in my PJs all holiday too! But I am going to try my best to inspire your creative juices (and my own!).
- *Rainbow Crafts:* If you saw the gorgeous rainbow in Table View recently, your Groovy adventurers, like mine may be talking, drawing and singing about rainbows, check out <http://123mytoddlerandme.blogspot.com/2011/03/rainbow-craft-projects-toddlers.html> for some awesome rainbow craft projects for active little Adventurers!
- *Sun, Smiles and straws*…this one is so cute, quick and easy! <http://www.kids-craft-ideas.com/toddleractivities.html>
- *Get busy in the kitchen*…yummy! <http://www.bakingobsession.com/2007/11/28/butter-twists/#more-102>
- *Celebrate the flowers* – these look so cute and easy to make! <http://childhoodlist.blogspot.com/2012/05/118-baking-cup-paper-flowers.html>
- *Plant a seed or whole veggie garden if you are a little more energetic!*
- *Make a spring gift box* for an underprivileged child while doing a spring clean of your Groovy Adventurer’s play room or toy box!
Whatever your plans are for this short but sweet school holidays…remember to have lots of *Groovy Fun!* (and don’t forget to post some pics of your Groovy Adventurers on our page so we can see what you guys are up to!
Lotsa Groovy Love!
Lourdes xoxo