
Grade 1 Multi-sensory handwriting Packet


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Grade 1 can be daunting as our little ones learn so many new skills, writing being one of them. There is often not enough time in class to ensure that each and every child is forming their letters and numbers in the correct way. Parents at home are far better equipped to have a more hands on approach to ensuring success with handwriting. Consolidate your child’s learning at home using this Grade 1 Multi-sensory Handwriting Packet. With research showing that good writing skills are closely linked to reading and maths skills later on, invest in your child’s learning today!


Your Packet contains:
Printing Book 2
Number Book 2
Texture Overlay Board
3 Monamis or Twisty Crayons with Stetro grips on
4 Acetate Overlays
8 Jumbo Paper Clips
6 Super Long Wikki Stix


Grade 1 Multi-sensory handwriting Packet