Today I am feeling totally exhausted and am wondering how did I go from being so thankful, literally on my knees on Sunday, thanking God for my amazing family…to wishing I could just run away from it all on Friday?! Am I Psycho?! No…I am a mom, and a working mom at that!
For those that do not know me…and don’t know what my desk looks like…I juggle MANY balls!! I am a wife, a mom, an OT, an entrepreneur, co-chairperson, a writer, a friend, a supervisor, a lecturer, a chauffeur, a secretary, a home executive, a teacher, a fixer….in other words, I am just like you, I am sure….a very TIRED MOM!!!!
Being a mom is hard work….it’s all about dying to your own needs, wants, desires and dreams and laying it all down to serve your family! Are there times I don’t want to fall down and give up wishing I had chosen an easier path?…of course! would I change it….NEVER!!! I have learnt so much on my Christian road to Knowing God through being a mom and can draw many parallels between the earthly and the spiritual family!
For me, being committed in a marriage to my best friend and raising my 2 precious children has been the best teacher of many important things. Firstly, I am definitely a better OT because my children have taught me the solutions to many of my clients’ little challenges! The education through the University of Life is priceless! Without my children, there would be no Groovy Adventurers and no JumpLeapFly!
Most importantly it’s taught me how to appreciate my mommy and ALL the sacrifices she made for me…Raising 2 strong willed children on her own, I do not know how she did it?! Honestly, I wish I could go back and make it easier for her by being a sweeter and easier child! I wouldn’t have fought so much with my sister and I would have helped her more with the cleaning and cooking! My mommy is my best, best, best-est friend! We speak on the phone every day, sometimes more than once a day!!! She is the person I call first when I am sad when I have learnt something new, feel down or need a recipe! And our relationship is the measure I will use in my old age when I am asking myself the question of did I do an okay job?! If my girls and I share just a little bit of what my mommy and I share, I will be rejoicing! If I haven’t said it enough….thank you, mommy, I love you and miss you so much it hurts! I would give anything to live near you, share a glass of wine with you every other day (and not just while on the phone and in 2 different cities!), cook with you, shop with you, go for manis and pedis and massages with you, watch shows with you, snuggle on the couch with you, hug you EVERY day and smell the all too comforting smell of my mommy!!!!
So if you are lucky enough to be with your mommy this Mothers Day….enjoy every moment for those of us that will be yearning to be with our mommies! Happy Mother’s Day to ALL mommies!