Excited for the launch of our book – Groovy Adventurers

We feel like a baby learning to take her first steps as we wait for the launch of our new *book: Groovy Adventurers*!! We finally gave the book to our publishers and will be working closely with them in the next 6-8 weeks to print our first edition! It will be exciting designing the cover layout and deciding on all the finer details of how the book will look and feel! By posting our thoughts and feelings here we would love to invite you to be a part of that process!

We are super excited for our friends and family to finally see the fruits of our labour over the past few years…we also cannot wait to see how our project will impact families and how they interact.

Please feel free to give us feedback about our website, which we are so proud of! We would really love to hear from you! Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated!

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