
Right Handed Scissors Pack of 12


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Looking for the perfect right handed kids scissors to get your child started?  And OT has developed these to help children learn to cut like magic!  The Happy Handwriter’s Magic Scissors® work like magic in assisting early cutters to master the cutting process. Cutting is one of the most critical pre-handwriting activities we have on account of its ability to develop the handwriting muscles.  A good pair of scissors is part of scissor skills for preschoolers.

Early cutters often struggle to get going as they carefully position the page for cutting, only to lose it as they close the scissors completely with each cutting stroke. This is on account of a lack of graded control over the grasp-release cutting motion. As a result they need to repeatedly re-position the paper and never really get going. This causes much frustration and the mastery of the cutting process becomes a difficult and unpleasant experience.  Try Magic Scissors so learning scissor skills for preschoolers does not need to be difficult.

The Happy Handwriter’s specially designed and patented right handed kids scissors, hold the tips of the blades open very slightly. This holds the piece of paper in place, even if the child closes the handles completely. This facilitates a smooth entry into the cutting process and promotes mastery of a successful, controlled cutting action and many hours of muscle development.

Encourage your children to cut at every opportunity.  Each time they do they are developing their pre-handwriting muscles which is why we pay so much attention to scissor skills for preschoolers.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 38 × 30 × 1 cm
Right Handed Scissors Pack of 12