Happy Easter, everyone!

For the Tzanos family, Easter is all about family getting together to celebrate the fact that Jesus is risen! It is important for us to help our Groovy Adventurers remember the true meaning of Easter. Our favourite church service is the Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday! Jesse and Ethan (and their trusty sidekicks… mom and dad!) also look forward to the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Although modest, it is filled with imagination, excitement and lots of gooey chocolate faces! True to our heritage we enjoy seeing who can crack the other’s dyed chicken egg and be the Egg King! This tradition is lived out in the atmosphere of a family meal with grannies and grandpas, aunts and uncles and cousins!

The Bruwers and by extension their Olivier counterparts descend on Clan William Dam, the family hideout! This means the WHOLE box and dice in a very small space of rowdy cousins who we barely see, apart for the grazed knees! The big chocolate addicts hide eggs and make bunny footprints all over granny’s carpet! These footprints have gone from rustic splashed-powder-over-our-feet to highly sophisticated templates which necessitate 2 adults to painstakingly create one paw print at a time! If that wasn’t enough of a sugar high this is followed by the big Clan Hunt where all the families from the park get together so that the children can hunt eggs in the outside gardens. These are then equally shared out afterwards to make sure that the little Groovy Adventurers have a fair share!

What are your Easter traditions? Do you just do what your family has always done or are you trying to create new traditions for your Groovy Adventurers to treasure? Whatever they are make sure that these traditions reflect what is precious to you so that you can pass this on to your Groovy Adventurers!! Happy Easter everyone!

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