The Handedness Profile

Jumpleapfly is proud to co-ordinate yearly online courses to help Occupational Therapists become trained in the use of the Handedness Profile.

Who designed the HP assessment tool:

Dr. Elke Kraus developed The Handedness Profile (HP) which is a standardised assessment tool. She is a South African occupational therapist who is currently an OT professor in Germany and an international handedness researcher and specialist. Dr. Kraus has been researching handedness since the 1990s and training therapists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg and South Africa since 2003 so she is the expert in handedness. She is continuously refining and optimising the Handedness Profile for paediatric practice.


What is the Handedness Profile:

The Handedness Profile  is a validated diagnostic instrument to determine handedness in paediatric practice. This assessment tool is for occupational therapists but is also for other professionals working in this area. The assessment consists of 5 subtests on hand preference and motor proficiency, which support clinical decision-making when children frequently swap hands during activities with changing hand use. It also provides a comprehensive analytic foundation to understanding “mixed” hand use in relation to fine motor skills. With its systematic clustering approach you can determine which handedness type variations are likely to be responsible for the swapping behaviour.

In particular, the Handedness Profile is characterised by the following:

  • Developed in the context of scientific literature and research.
  • Records not only the direction (left or right) but also the degree of handedness (how strongly handed).
  • Differentiates between trained & untrained aspects in unimanual and bimanual tasks related to preference and performance.
  • Bimanual cooperation between the hands is recorded.
  • Crossing the body midline as a dimension of hand preference is included.
  • Provides tools (structural aids) for merging and summarising quantitative and qualitative information.
  • Integrates complex & relevant contextual factors.

The Course:

The course consists of 3 consecutive modules stretching over 3 months. There is self-learning time with virtual contact time (webinars) taking place in the evenings (planned on Monday nights between 6pm and 9pm), or on weekends. This enables participants to still work parallel to doing the course. 

Total hours of teaching time = 42 hours (CPD Points have been approved) plus 11 hours directed Self Learning Time and between 10-30 hours free individual Self studying.
For quality assurance, each module ends with a Multiple Choice Quiz to ensure participants’ knowledge of the module.

The Assessment Tool:

The Handedness Profile Assessment Kit consists of all test items for the five subtests, a test manual, protocol sheets, and a digitised scoring software. It is available within Southern Africa through Lourdes: Only therapists who have registered for the course can purchase this assessment tool. Should participants come from other countries, please contact Elke: regarding the HP Assessment Kit.

The cost of the HP Assessment Kit is R5000,00. If you purchase the Assessment Kit from outside Southern Africa, it costs €400,00 excl. VAT, packaging, shipping and customs fees.


Link to The Handedness Profile Registration Page:

To find out more and register for this course click here

Alternatively email or call 0825677559 for more information! Don’t delay, book your spot today!

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